Print Sizes from Digital Camera |
When you make a 4x6 print from your digital camera,
it happens sometimes that you notice that
an edge of the image being cut off, like the sample image below.
Why does the cut-off happens, it never happened with 35mm films?
The reason is that when the digital camera was invented,
it was developed so people can see the image on the TV/Computer monitors, of
which proportion is 4:3(not 3:2, like 4x6).
The 4x6 print size was developed according to the 35mm film negative's full
Please see the actual images below:
This is a Digital Camera's image capturing sensor
called CCD.
It works like 35mm camera's film.
Note its shape is much more square than 35mm's.
4x5.5 is the full image size.
This is the 35mm negative film.
Note that the shape is much longer in horizontal.
It is actually a 2(v) to 3(h) ratio, which makes
4x6 or 8x12 full image.
4x5.5 (digital camera
full image)
As you see, the top portion is cut off on the 4x6 print.
It's hard to tell how much and which side would be cut off,
because it depends on the digital camera and the printing system.
To avoid this cropping, please select
DigCam Full Image(4x5.5)
for your print size
Does this mean that you MUST have all digital files printed
on 4x5.5 sizes?
See the sample photo below:
Can you tell the difference between the two samples?
4x5.5 inch(digital camera
full image)
Also you'd like to think that a 4x5.5 doesn't fit well into a 4x6 frame or albums.
So, it's all up to your choice after all.
Doi Camera is offering both formats with the same price.
New cameras with 3:2(=4x6) image sensor
said that, some high-end cameras are equipped with
larger image sensor. Aspect ratio of 3:2, which is
same as 35mm. Full comparability with conventional
lenses. 4x6 is full image.
some medium priced cameras such as Sony T-1 has an option
that you allows you to choose 4x6 size instead of 4x5.5.
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